Good replies everyone and I can handle if some people don't like when threads like this start, but I just think it fosters good discussion and believe you me, MLSE is reading.

Some good points here, but wanted to address the one about the GO Train and the "too bad so sad if you decided to live in the suburbs".

Fact is, if it isn't for the suburbs, there wouldn't be the support at the games, period. That is where a large portion of the fans are coming from.

Also, while I agree that MLSE do not run public transit, I do believe they have some influence in terms of negotiating a post game train for their fans. I do hold MLSE responsible for not making more of a public effort in this regard because it is their fans, and their game day experience that they are responsible, and making it as easy as possible to get to and from the game is MLSE's responsibility, if they want to continue having fans come to the games.

Thats how I feel about it anyways. Not all of us have the luxury of going to a bar before and after the game when we all have different levels of responsibilities.