Every sport except the NFL operates on the concept that appointment viewing doesn’t work. The NFL itself is continually adding non Sunday afternoon games. Older people here grew up with the Leafs games on Wednesdays and Saturdays- gone (Saturdays now less than half the games). The European leagues all long ago moved off Saturday afternoon, which was alltime appointment viewing strategy - that was the only slot for games for 100+ years.

The whole point of streaming is that you don’t have appointment viewing in life anymore.

Plus it is insane with Messi in the house - it is beyond belief that these brainiacs have his games on when Europe is asleep.

Make no mistake. Apple/MLS is just us, fans and players, being used as guinea pigs in a data collection exercise. Just so they can figure out what and how to bid for NBA and NFL contracts that are coming up that are worth 50x the MLS deal. We are nothing to them. Nothing.