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  1. #241
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    Quote Originally Posted by MightyDM View Post
    What did Mavinga and Westberg tweet?
    Mavinga said how hard things were being away from home and how they need our support more than ever. I'm not sure why, but I get a feeling that was written for him by a staffer, as it doesn't seem to match his previous tweeting style. Westberg's tweet appears to have been taken down. I think they're feeling pressure from somewhere, whether it's the fans or MLSE. It's definitely not from the media, as only the CBC and Canadian Press put out articles. Both did note that the defence got 'ripped apart' and 'broke'.

  2. #242
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    Quote Originally Posted by Initial B View Post
    Mavinga said how hard things were being away from home and how they need our support more than ever. I'm not sure why, but I get a feeling that was written for him by a staffer, as it doesn't seem to match his previous tweeting style. Westberg's tweet appears to have been taken down. I think they're feeling pressure from somewhere, whether it's the fans or MLSE. It's definitely not from the media, as only the CBC and Canadian Press put out articles. Both did note that the defence got 'ripped apart' and 'broke'.
    Probably fans. TFC can't Tweet, post, or anything without a flood of negative comments below it. Lots of #Curtisout & #Armasout which is fine and also some people calling out players for being crap (Westberg's been in there, Mavinga, Gonzalez, etc). I am sure some players browse comments and it's approaching 2013 level toxicity now.

  3. #243
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    Quote Originally Posted by ensco View Post
    Yeah, Raptors hardcores already went through this, it's pretty much impossible to compete properly this way. It has tempered my view throughout. We may in fact totally suck, but it's impossible to know why.

    Honestly, I think the solution is, don’t watch every game. Or at least don’t watch the same way. There is a ton of international football the next month, give over to that.

    This too shall pass.

    We'll be at BMO in August, maybe we can charge from behind in the second half.

    First - Question for everyone, if the Leafs or raptors were in the playoffs, right now, would they be playing in Toronto (then why not TFC)

    Second - Cannot compare this to the Raptors, sorry to me that is just an excuse... Basketball can rely on two or three guys. We lost Kwhai, Gasol, Green and Ibaka.. they deserve a ton of credit for even fighting the way they did. Good coaching and solid GM makes a difference. You could tell this year was going to be challenging, the way the east stacked up.

    This team has all the raw materials (maybe not at defender and fitness) but we have chosen not to play our DP striker (whether you like him or not) and blindly given faith in an approach that had potential (more pressure and playing direct) but doesn't work in Armas' execution. It is a conscious decision by the team management to accept this..

    Third - "All for One" - Q & Mavinga we want you back here as well.
    Last edited by Bushmancan; 06-24-2021 at 10:02 AM.

  4. #244
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    To me, Okello has looked his best when there is space open to run into - when he can open up his stride and beat players. Everything was quite congested last night. He had a flash or two out on the right but not much else.

  5. #245
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    Quote Originally Posted by OgtheDim View Post
    Agree with ensco - without Osorio or Pozuelo, we are not a very good team attack wise. Their replacements don't find space like those 2 do. Right now, for me, that's the #3 need on this team, after a DP level striker & a brickwall defender.
    That’s probably where our rumour for the venezuela Midfielder came in. They’re not wrong to try and address this. We need somebody who can act as an AM if Pozuelo is hurt. Even if that player isn’t going to be as top class

  6. #246
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    Quote Originally Posted by Auzzy View Post
    Too bad about Okello, I was hoping for much more from him after early flashes. I don't know if that's the limits of his abilities, or if it's partially coaching and the role he's being asked to play.

    He's played four or fives times this year. He's looked solid twice and non-existent twice. But both of the latter were in games where he was subbed into odd roles.

    IN fact, he's only played the same position twice in five appearances. He's played inside forward, underneath in the hole, on the left side and now as a defensive midfielder.

    He's a hugely talented guy. They obviously don't know what to do with him. To me, he's either a very raw striker who wasn't trained in that position (great with the ball, strong, gets into dangerous spots, fast but doesn't have the acceleration to outrun a backline) or he's a two-way midfielder.

    Tactically, this team has a real problem with having too many two-way midfielders, no real wreckers, only two playmakers.

    Our roster is badly imbalanced, which is on Ali Curtis at this point.

    As for Jozy, it's easy to forget the whole league record for youngest scorer still stands; the league site mentioned it today.

    He was 16.

    So he has 16 years as a pro already, travelling, working hard at the highest level for some of that. THat's a LONG career, even though he's still relatively young. If the guy is slowing down, no wonder.

    The key to managing that is to use his skills in diminishment like any good manager. Use him as a late sub. Coming on full of energy in the last half or third of the game, he could be a devastating weapon for picking up late wins.

    The same is true with Michael Bradley. He's actually playing much better than some here seem to credit, but he can't cover ground as well anymore and he was NEVER an ideal number six; he's a two-way mid who, for much of his career, was more offensive minded than defensive.

    He'll take on the roll if asked and grimace and demand the best of himself but asking an older play to be a solid DM in this league when it's not even his strength is insane.

    We have serious roster problems.

    We need a starting CB to match Mavinga (and have for two seasons now);

    We need a defensive midfielder who is a pure wrecker like Alonso was for most of his career.

    We need a CREATIVE striker, a goal scorer who can beat guys with the ball. Personally, that's where I'd have stuck Richie Laryea, as he's a baller at beating guys and getting shots off, he can set people up AND he's selfish and easily angered. Perfect striker material. Plus the guy can fucking finish, better than Ayo anyway.

    So... wrong players, lineup holes, guys playing who aren't good enough, GM who can't see or fix it, coach who's a 'player's coach' to the point where he's loved but clearly absolutely useless a stepping back and assessing how to deal with all this.

    Really, we need to wipe the front office again. Manning has presided over this decline and given them extensions. I understand not being at home is difficult, but it's not best in the league to worst in the league bad. Ridiculous.

  7. #247
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    Quote Originally Posted by MightyDM View Post
    What did Mavinga and Westberg tweet?

  8. #248
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    This isn't a competition to see who had it worse.

    This morning at 10 am, half of the damn province found out we could get a hair cut again

    Like, seriously, its been shit.

    And players and staff have been away from here while their families deal with that stuff for the first time since October. Like us, every has been taking this differently & TFC has been, as well as IMFC & VCWC, taking this badly.

    (And I don't want to hear about Bez being a genius when he saddled us with Bono's & others contracts & seeing the missteps at CBus)

  9. #249
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    Montreal are 3-3-3, we are 1-2-6 if that doesn't piss you off, nothing will.

  10. #250
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    I support the players but obvious challenges aside I feel they are being done a disservice by this management team.

    We played Auro Jr. as a central midfielder. Spent a good chunk of games finding out that our 2nd choice keeper, is still our second choice keeper. Ran around the field trying to press like a bunch of rank amateurs. And in the end, we returned to the same sort of tactics we started with before our new coach arrived (in a less potent form).

    None of this suggests the people in charge know what they’re doing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bushmancan View Post
    Montreal are 3-3-3, we are 1-2-6 if that doesn't piss you off, nothing will.

    As I said, everybody is taking this differently. Nor am I suggesting a full pass. But if people want to go hating on players & people who are dealing with this crap when all of us have been dealing with this crap, count me out moving forward. I just can't do it anymore.

    I'm no fan of Armas - mistakes have been made. But the mental aspect of all this is undiscernible.

  12. #252
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    I just watched this game this morning on tape. They played well in the first half, though we do have to keep in mind that Nashville is one of the worst teams in the league. The second half was a disaster. Mullin's goal was against the run of play, and Nashville was all over us for most of the half. Once Pozuelo came off, it was like a completely different team. And I was completely confused by the substitutions that Armas made. Maybe Osorio was gassed, but we had no real offensive response after that.

    I did think that Q had a great game. I don't think you can blame any of the goals on him, and it would have been 5 or 6 goals against without him. And his distribution is so much better than Bono. He got in a bit of trouble in the back, and still put a pass onto a postage stamp down the right hand side of the field.

    I have never been a fan of Armas' system, but surely 5 points out of 27, and second last in the league requires some sort of change, and the easiest and most obvious is to change the coach.

    And, as a final point, I know that lots of folk are down on Altidore, but why are we having a multi-million dollar play sitting around twiddling his thumbs? Even as a late game sub (like this game when we desperately needed a goal to win or save a tie), having someone like Altidore on the field can only help. And if we need to fire Armas to get Altidore back, then that is a good trade, in my view.

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    I think Altidore at half or just after would be a good thing too, bring him off the bench to destroy the tired opposition. However, they said this whole dust up was because he got subbed at the 70th if that is legit the reason he was upset for coming out. Do you think he is really going to want to start on the bench and come on as a sub in second half?

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    Quote Originally Posted by 613reppingTFC View Post
    I think Altidore at half or just after would be a good thing too, bring him off the bench to destroy the tired opposition. However, they said this whole dust up was because he got subbed at the 70th if that is legit the reason he was upset for coming out. Do you think he is really going to want to start on the bench and come on as a sub in second half?
    Morrow did an interview last week where he was asked about how the players like Armas. in short, he said that players like Armas because he tells guys how it is no matter how rough it may be and he says it right to their faces. He said most players appreciate him telling it straight as they don't like double speak and things going on behind their backs.

    The most players line made me think immediately of Altidore and I still think that. Armas to me seems like a less articulate and thought out Bradley. They demand everyone to work at a high level they set and if not met, they let the person hear it. Bradley seems more diplomatic about it as he never rocked Jozy's boat but Armas seems like a bit of a dick so I bet he told something to Jozy after pulling him in the 70th that didn't go over well and it probably went on after the match. Jozy does seem the sensitive type and I wouldn't put it past Armas to say something to Jozy's face that I usually say about him in threads here (loafing, walking, lazy, more interested in Tweeting).
    Last edited by Ultra & Proud; 06-24-2021 at 05:53 PM.

  15. #255
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    Quote Originally Posted by OgtheDim View Post
    As I said, everybody is taking this differently. Nor am I suggesting a full pass. But if people want to go hating on players & people who are dealing with this crap when all of us have been dealing with this crap, count me out moving forward. I just can't do it anymore.

    I'm no fan of Armas - mistakes have been made. But the mental aspect of all this is undiscernible.
    And please don't think i am insensitive, this whole situation is bad. My point is about leadership and managing in a crisis. To be fair, i don't think the FO have done a good job, yes the cards are stacked against them but thats why they get paid, what they get paid. I don't want to see anyone put themselves at risk but their communication approach has been amateur. I only say this based on what they have disclosed, which is only released when they absolutely have to.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ag futbol View Post
    I support the players but obvious challenges aside I feel they are being done a disservice by this management team.

    We played Auro Jr. as a central midfielder. Spent a good chunk of games finding out that our 2nd choice keeper, is still our second choice keeper. Ran around the field trying to press like a bunch of rank amateurs. And in the end, we returned to the same sort of tactics we started with before our new coach arrived (in a less potent form).

    None of this suggests the people in charge know what they’re doing.
    I agree with this. Plus what they say is opaque. Treat us like adults: "we are working to find the best way to use our talent. But I want our supporters to understand how very difficult it is for our plyers after 15 months on the road " or something instead of the bafflegab we get fed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by OgtheDim View Post
    As I said, everybody is taking this differently. Nor am I suggesting a full pass. But if people want to go hating on players & people who are dealing with this crap when all of us have been dealing with this crap, count me out moving forward. I just can't do it anymore.

    I'm no fan of Armas - mistakes have been made. But the mental aspect of all this is undiscernible.
    This is fair. But the way they are communicating is very poor. and thats on them, as is the strange use of our roster

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    btw back to game action, I loved the Osorio goal, but he needs to stop ginning up opposing fans when he or we score. It’s bad karma.

    I remember Oso doing it in Monterey after the Seba free kick and Tigres scored two goals after that and nearly stole the tie back… now this last night. Jonathan, please, just cool it…
    "There are some people who might have better technique than me, and some may be fitter than me, but the main thing is tactics. With most players, tactics are missing. You can divide tactics into insight, trust, and daring." - Johan Cruyff



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