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    Side note to any Kings reading here: when leading the thunder clap, can your drummer please increase the tempo of the two beats. The timing last game was messing everyone up in 111. Otherwise, I welcome the return of it.

  2. #62
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    I sat in 115 for 8 years before moving away and my parents still use my tickets every week. Last year I watched my first game live that included this group. They were everything that I found frustrating about supporter culture. Idle flag waving, random noises, and most of all a belief that everyone should be like them or at least think they're good. After the Ottawa game they sent out a message saying that it wasnt them and condemned the actions. Hopefully this deserved banning teaches the members of this group that they aren't special. They didn't make the crowd or the team better. And they are responsible for each other. I know many members of this group and dispite being saddened by their turn towards a more tribal support culture I know them to be good people who love their football team. This banning shouldn't change that, the football remains, and so do your friends. Just drop the ego, take a deep breath, look around, and remember, there's a football match going on. Best of luck to the individuals, good riddance to the group.

    Last edited by MDH; 08-23-2018 at 04:25 PM.

  3. #63
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    As a complete neutral to all of this I would have to say that I am disappointed with this ruling. My greatest fear re: the atmosphere at BMO is that it one day becomes the ACC. I believe this is a step towards that. Maybe that's just some MLSE PTSD kicking in...

    Given this is a RPB board and there is certain to be varying levels of bias, the bare truth is that the Inebriatti has been the heartbeat of the southend the last few years. I stand in 110 and have loved seeing the "renaissance" of TFC support as the team rebuilt into a contender and onward. There has been a troubling trend of tourists entering 112/113 and drastically retracting from the atmosphere those sections bring. If I'm being honest I don't think I've attended a game this year and seen these sections as lively (or full) as they once were circa TFC birth.

    I don't condone any of the actions from the select few morons who ruined this for the masses however I respect what the Inebriatti brought to the table. This is a huge loss for TFC support as a whole as I see it. I will forever remember the 2017 MLS Cup for obvious reasons but NOTHING has ever and at this rate will ever match the atmosphere and sea of red around the Vasquez goal flares et all. For me that was a thing of beauty and it saddens me that we may never see that degree of support inside the 4 walls of BMO ever again. If the scenes at BMO that night didn't pull at every one of your heart strings then I seriously don't know what would.

    I don't know the politics behind the scenes of why groups have changed/moved over the years and frankly don't care to I just wish this had ended differently. I know there are varied philosophies and styles in the south and certainly not everybody agreed with the style of the Inebriatti, but I can confidently say that I rather someone standing and chanting the full 90+ than sitting and texting, and for that, whether I agree with them or not, I will always respect what they brought and I will gladly end this by thanking any members who may read this for the memories they helped create at BMO the last few years.

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smokecell View Post
    As a complete neutral to all of this I would have to say that I am disappointed with this ruling. My greatest fear re: the atmosphere at BMO is that it one day becomes the ACC. I believe this is a step towards that. Maybe that's just some MLSE PTSD kicking in...

    Given this is a RPB board and there is certain to be varying levels of bias, the bare truth is that the Inebriatti has been the heartbeat of the southend the last few years. I stand in 110 and have loved seeing the "renaissance" of TFC support as the team rebuilt into a contender and onward. There has been a troubling trend of tourists entering 112/113 and drastically retracting from the atmosphere those sections bring. If I'm being honest I don't think I've attended a game this year and seen these sections as lively (or full) as they once were circa TFC birth.

    I don't condone any of the actions from the select few morons who ruined this for the masses however I respect what the Inebriatti brought to the table. This is a huge loss for TFC support as a whole as I see it. I will forever remember the 2017 MLS Cup for obvious reasons but NOTHING has ever and at this rate will ever match the atmosphere and sea of red around the Vasquez goal flares et all. For me that was a thing of beauty and it saddens me that we may never see that degree of support inside the 4 walls of BMO ever again. If the scenes at BMO that night didn't pull at every one of your heart strings then I seriously don't know what would.

    I don't know the politics behind the scenes of why groups have changed/moved over the years and frankly don't care to I just wish this had ended differently. I know there are varied philosophies and styles in the south and certainly not everybody agreed with the style of the Inebriatti, but I can confidently say that I rather someone standing and chanting the full 90+ than sitting and texting, and for that, whether I agree with them or not, I will always respect what they brought and I will gladly end this by thanking any members who may read this for the memories they helped create at BMO the last few years.
    Well said.

    Sad to see so many "supporters" celebrating this decision. So much for All for One.

    I'll never understand people that stand in the supporter's section, contribute nothing to the atmosphere, and complain about flags. If having an unobstructed view was the most important thing to me, I'd find somewhere else to stand. It's not like there's a shortage of family friendly sections.

    Atmosphere won't be the same without them. Sad day for TFC fans under 30.

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smokecell View Post
    My greatest fear re: the atmosphere at BMO is that it one day becomes the ACC. I believe this is a step towards that. Maybe that's just some MLSE PTSD kicking in...
    This is something I fear as well.

    Let's be real honest here: some of TFC fans have done stupid shit in the past (fights with other fans and even police to throwing streamers onto the field during a corner kick) which enough to get banned from all MLSE properties and events. So I am shocked to read that Inebriatti was banned for life for incident that took place outside BMO field and MLS competition. At most, I was excepting few of their members to banned for year or two, but to get rid the whole group for life is harsh.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smokecell View Post
    As a complete neutral to all of this I would have to say that I am disappointed with this ruling. My greatest fear re: the atmosphere at BMO is that it one day becomes the ACC. I believe this is a step towards that. Maybe that's just some MLSE PTSD kicking in...

    Given this is a RPB board and there is certain to be varying levels of bias, the bare truth is that the Inebriatti has been the heartbeat of the southend the last few years. I stand in 110 and have loved seeing the "renaissance" of TFC support as the team rebuilt into a contender and onward. There has been a troubling trend of tourists entering 112/113 and drastically retracting from the atmosphere those sections bring. If I'm being honest I don't think I've attended a game this year and seen these sections as lively (or full) as they once were circa TFC birth.

    I don't condone any of the actions from the select few morons who ruined this for the masses however I respect what the Inebriatti brought to the table. This is a huge loss for TFC support as a whole as I see it. I will forever remember the 2017 MLS Cup for obvious reasons but NOTHING has ever and at this rate will ever match the atmosphere and sea of red around the Vasquez goal flares et all. For me that was a thing of beauty and it saddens me that we may never see that degree of support inside the 4 walls of BMO ever again. If the scenes at BMO that night didn't pull at every one of your heart strings then I seriously don't know what would.

    I don't know the politics behind the scenes of why groups have changed/moved over the years and frankly don't care to I just wish this had ended differently. I know there are varied philosophies and styles in the south and certainly not everybody agreed with the style of the Inebriatti, but I can confidently say that I rather someone standing and chanting the full 90+ than sitting and texting, and for that, whether I agree with them or not, I will always respect what they brought and I will gladly end this by thanking any members who may read this for the memories they helped create at BMO the last few years.
    So here's a couple of things to consider when contemplating disappointment about this decision.

    In 110 and other sections, you're isolated and insulated from what is actually going on in 114 behind these guys. Singing and flags are great!....until you, as a die-hard supporter who lives and breathes watching the boys in red do their work on the field are game in and game out prevented from seeing those amazing plays. Remember that Osorio backheel goal? Bono denying Cyle Larin off the line? Stuff like that? A lot of us in 114 don't. But in 110, you see the goal, the big save, the celebration and the flags and the smoke and it's awesome. The issue here isn't flags or passion - it's respect. I like flags. I like chanting. I like joining in. But when the response to 'bring the flags down while the play is happening in the south end' is a massive screw you, the group does not endear itself. We're all there to support. An 'our way our the highway approach' is not respectful to the people who've been in that section from day one supporting in their way. Let's be clear, BMO Field has been one of the best places to play and see a game played in since TFC began - before Inebriatti appeared.

    If there was a change in attitude in that group that started to try and respect and include people around them in a way that built on a solid consensus of support, while at the same time identifying and expelling bad influences and having real consequences for individuals causing problems, then hey - keep them there. But the time to do that was months if not years ago. This isn't a sudden situation that's just exploded like an ill-lit flare. Serious incidents like the one in Ottawa and others that have been reported on recently are what was always going to happen based on everything I and the people around me in 114 have observed. Letting it go on this long has been a calculated risk by the FO because they were banking the publicity/marketing material/etc for free. Well, now the price is being paid and for better or worse it's being paid by the people and not the company or organizations who are supposed to monitor and manage this sort of thing. There were ways to keep most if not all of what you like about Inebriatti while at the same time avoiding all of what has happened recently and more than one key opportunity to make that choice - but it didn't happen.

    I wouldn't worry about BMO becoming like the ACC. The Inebriatti 'experience' was just one version that tried to quickly do an end run around building up in unison with those that already 'lived' there. I like to think that we are only so many years into this journey and we're on the road to developing our own CANADIAN version of supporters culture. We don't have to be British supporters or South American supporters or any other style of supporters but our own. And I like to hope that the Canadian version includes a lot of respect for others and positivity, inclusiveness, and family.
    Last edited by Stencils; 08-23-2018 at 05:51 PM.

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stencils View Post
    In 110 and other sections, you're isolated and insulated from what is actually going on in 114 behind these guys. Singing and flags are great!....until you, as a die-hard supporter who lives and breathes watching the boys in red do their work on the field are game in and game out prevented from seeing those amazing plays. Remember that Osorio backheel goal? Bono denying Cyle Larin off the line? Stuff like that? A lot of us in 114 don't. But in 110, you see the goal, the big save, the celebration and the flags and the smoke and it's awesome. The issue here isn't flags or passion - it's respect. I like flags. I like chanting. I like joining in. But when the response to 'bring the flags down while the play is happening in the south end' is a massive screw you, the group does not endear itself. We're all there to support. An 'our way our the highway approach' is not respectful to the people who've been in that section from day one supporting in their way. Let's be clear, BMO Field has been one of the best places to play and see a game played in since TFC began - before Inebriatti appeared.
    Here's the problem with this - if a tourist in 114 behind you tapped you on the back and asked you to sit down because they couldn't see what would you do? Politely explain to them that this is a supporters section and as such you and those around you are permitted to do so etc so forth (I've seen this happen may times - assuming you would do the same but correct if otherwise and you'd sit). Similarly there are no rules prohibiting them from waving their flags to their hearts desire in the seats they paid just as much as you for so really it's no different than someone continuing to stand after being asked to sit. It's never ok to be an asshole when asked to put a flag down I'll give you that - respect should always come first full stop.

    Secondly - you're an adult. If 114 wasn't working out for you there was nobody stopping you from moving. Being an SSH myself I know that giving up tickets in a supporters section isn't an easy decision to make with no guarantee of a move to a similar spot but that's life. If you keep returning knowing the outcome and still complaining - at a certain point it becomes your fault. Sort of like the whole returning to an abusive boy/girlfriend time and time again.

  8. #68
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    I just hope something better and more controlled will rise from the ashes of this. For better and for worse, and this isn't meant to be a diss to any other group, but it's pretty inarguable that these guys were the most visible and dedicated group of supporters we had. Of course this had to happen but it has to be said their enthusiasm and voices will be missed. If there's some way that enthusiasm can be controlled and channeled into something solely positive, which is entirely a possibility, than I think that would be awesome. We'll see what happens i guess.
    Last edited by molenshtain; 08-23-2018 at 06:30 PM.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smokecell View Post

    Secondly - you're an adult. If 114 wasn't working out for you there was nobody stopping you from moving. Being an SSH myself I know that giving up tickets in a supporters section isn't an easy decision to make with no guarantee of a move to a similar spot but that's life. If you keep returning knowing the outcome and still complaining - at a certain point it becomes your fault. Sort of like the whole returning to an abusive boy/girlfriend time and time again.
    I selected my seats before TFC was, I'm an original year one SSH. I have friendships formed over the years with the people around me. This group only started in 2012, and was insignificant for the first few years. Why should I move?

    It's not about support. I love flags, JUST NOT RANDOMLY WAVING THEM LIKE MORONS WHILE PLAY IS GOING ON. I also hate flares, they never were allowed here, I didn't buy into them, it's not part of supporter culture in any of the big three football leagues. Why should I be endangered by them? Maybe it looks cool to you, it doesn't look cool when it's a drunk guy next to you. I love chanting. Why should I be subjected to a group singing a different chant while Dichio 24 is being sung, just because they declared that it should be no more?

    There's a difference between being part of a supporters section and being subject to the whims of a new group.

    Anyway it's a moot point. They are gone for good. Let's step up our game.
    Last edited by Oldtimer; 08-23-2018 at 06:53 PM.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lennon View Post
    Well said.

    Sad to see so many "supporters" celebrating this decision. So much for All for One.

    I'll never understand people that stand in the supporter's section, contribute nothing to the atmosphere, and complain about flags. If having an unobstructed view was the most important thing to me, I'd find somewhere else to stand. It's not like there's a shortage of family friendly sections.

    Atmosphere won't be the same without them. Sad day for TFC fans under 30.

    I dont understand why supporters is in air quotes. In the innebriatti many people would not watch any of the football. If your argument is that someone not even paying attention to the game is more of a supporter than someone who is then we have different word definitions. Again there are many nice people in that group but so many (sooooo many) of the year one folks in 114 and 115 hated having them there. Because they made the atmosphere worse, not better. If your idea of support is making noise regardless of context then maybe the back corner would have always been a more appropriate place for this group. (it would have, easily) Of course you're welcome to your opinion, but this is a win for genuine football supporters and a loss for Ultras. And that is a huge win for new fans, old fans, really anyone who isn't there to drink and be a young ego driven man.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stencils View Post
    So here's a couple of things to consider when contemplating disappointment about this decision.

    In 110 and other sections, you're isolated and insulated from what is actually going on in 114 behind these guys. Singing and flags are great!....until you, as a die-hard supporter who lives and breathes watching the boys in red do their work on the field are game in and game out prevented from seeing those amazing plays. Remember that Osorio backheel goal? Bono denying Cyle Larin off the line? Stuff like that? A lot of us in 114 don't. But in 110, you see the goal, the big save, the celebration and the flags and the smoke and it's awesome. The issue here isn't flags or passion - it's respect. I like flags. I like chanting. I like joining in. But when the response to 'bring the flags down while the play is happening in the south end' is a massive screw you, the group does not endear itself. We're all there to support. An 'our way our the highway approach' is not respectful to the people who've been in that section from day one supporting in their way. Let's be clear, BMO Field has been one of the best places to play and see a game played in since TFC began - before Inebriatti appeared.

    If there was a change in attitude in that group that started to try and respect and include people around them in a way that built on a solid consensus of support, while at the same time identifying and expelling bad influences and having real consequences for individuals causing problems, then hey - keep them there. But the time to do that was months if not years ago. This isn't a sudden situation that's just exploded like an ill-lit flare. Serious incidents like the one in Ottawa and others that have been reported on recently are what was always going to happen based on everything I and the people around me in 114 have observed. Letting it go on this long has been a calculated risk by the FO because they were banking the publicity/marketing material/etc for free. Well, now the price is being paid and for better or worse it's being paid by the people and not the company or organizations who are supposed to monitor and manage this sort of thing. There were ways to keep most if not all of what you like about Inebriatti while at the same time avoiding all of what has happened recently and more than one key opportunity to make that choice - but it didn't happen.

    I wouldn't worry about BMO becoming like the ACC. The Inebriatti 'experience' was just one version that tried to quickly do an end run around building up in unison with those that already 'lived' there. I like to think that we are only so many years into this journey and we're on the road to developing our own CANADIAN version of supporters culture. We don't have to be British supporters or South American supporters or any other style of supporters but our own. And I like to hope that the Canadian version includes a lot of respect for others and positivity, inclusiveness, and family.

    This is a lovely well thought out post that represents the majority that I have seen and spoken to. Well said

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oldtimer View Post
    Let's step up our game.
    This 1000x. I need someone to talk to in private about this, as it has been on my mind for a while.

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    Quote Originally Posted by magmadragon View Post
    Side note to any Kings reading here: when leading the thunder clap, can your drummer please increase the tempo of the two beats. The timing last game was messing everyone up in 111. Otherwise, I welcome the return of it.
    Might be a measure of distance. When it was over in 114, we in 221 coudn't quite get it - had to watch the drummer. This time, it worked pretty darn perfect for us.


    Not worried about moving forward.

    Kings brought it last game. For the first time in a long time, their lead was followed and creeping around to the West.

    Keep that up and 219 & 220 will fall in with what Kings does & then who knows where this will all go. The Upper West caused the TV booths to sway during Championship games the last two years - we be a raucous bunch when provided with an opportunity.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MDH View Post
    I dont understand why supporters is in air quotes. In the innebriatti many people would not watch any of the football. If your argument is that someone not even paying attention to the game is more of a supporter than someone who is then we have different word definitions. Again there are many nice people in that group but so many (sooooo many) of the year one folks in 114 and 115 hated having them there. Because they made the atmosphere worse, not better. If your idea of support is making noise regardless of context then maybe the back corner would have always been a more appropriate place for this group. (it would have, easily) Of course you're welcome to your opinion, but this is a win for genuine football supporters and a loss for Ultras. And that is a huge win for new fans, old fans, really anyone who isn't there to drink and be a young ego driven man.
    That's just not true .. it's not like they have their backs to the field for 90 minutes. The only ones that miss a lot of the game are the capos.

    My argument is that someone in the supporter's section contributing to to the atmosphere is more of a supporter than someone that isn't. If you're not contributing to the atmosphere you're taking away from it.

    There was no atmosphere in 114/115 before Inebriatti showed up.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lennon View Post
    That's just not true .. it's not like they have their backs to the field for 90 minutes. The only ones that miss a lot of the game are the capos.
    You're not getting it. It's not about which direction you are facing, it's about appreciating context.

    When we'd chant "who are ya" to a big name player, it was funny. If we made up a chant at the moment because of something on the field, it was great.

    The Inebriatti wrecked all that. They just did their songs regardless of what happened during the game.

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    the question is what tfc fan group is gonna pick up the slack on the cocaine front?

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    What is the chances a new supporter group forms there? What happens to the seats?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Oldtimer View Post
    You're not getting it. It's not about which direction you are facing, it's about appreciating context.

    When we'd chant "who are ya" to a big name player, it was funny. If we made up a chant at the moment because of something on the field, it was great.

    The Inebriatti wrecked all that. They just did their songs regardless of what happened during the game.
    Some people like to yell who are ya, some like to wave flags and sing non stop for 90 minutes. You have your way of supporting, I have mine. Why is your way more valid then mine? There's enough room in the south end for both styles to co-exist.

    Inebriatti didn't wreck anything. They're just doing their thing. Not everyone is from a 'top 3 football league' country, and not everyone thinks that chanting "you fat bastard" on goal kicks is funny.

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    I always thought the songs specific to them were kinda shite tbh. Long, complicated and pretty derivative. Think it definitely contributed to their in stadium influence not really expanding past the dedicated members of their group and to the rest of the south end.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Smokecell View Post
    Here's the problem with this - if a tourist in 114 behind you tapped you on the back and asked you to sit down because they couldn't see what would you do? Politely explain to them that this is a supporters section and as such you and those around you are permitted to do so etc so forth (I've seen this happen may times - assuming you would do the same but correct if otherwise and you'd sit). Similarly there are no rules prohibiting them from waving their flags to their hearts desire in the seats they paid just as much as you for so really it's no different than someone continuing to stand after being asked to sit. It's never ok to be an asshole when asked to put a flag down I'll give you that - respect should always come first full stop.

    Secondly - you're an adult. If 114 wasn't working out for you there was nobody stopping you from moving. Being an SSH myself I know that giving up tickets in a supporters section isn't an easy decision to make with no guarantee of a move to a similar spot but that's life. If you keep returning knowing the outcome and still complaining - at a certain point it becomes your fault. Sort of like the whole returning to an abusive boy/girlfriend time and time again.
    Where's the problem? It comes down to you as a person in that situation as much as it comes down to a group in the larger debate about flags. If there's someone behind me asking me to sit down so they can see (something that hasn't happened to me in the south end since once in year one) then I would do what I can to accommodate them. The fact that everyone around them is standing should be a help when trying to explain politely about the standing allowed policy in the south, but let's assume they have some kind of mobility issue. What does it cost me to try and shift over a little so they can see between me and the next guy - or if there's no one in front me that day to offer to trade spots. Very little cost in that.

    And to the idea that me saying 'I can stand here, it's allowed' is the same as 'I can wave my flags all game, it's allowed'. Standing during the run of play is permitted, but read the official code of conduct for the supporters regarding flags and the run of play. Again, I have no issue with flags - I'd love flags of all sizes all over the stadium! - but not only is it an issue of respect, in many cases in 114 it was an issue of disregarding the supporters section own code of conduct and the FO not enforcing it. So with that said, why should I have to give up my tickets (that's life and all that)? Yes, I'm an adult - which is precisely why I am ready and willing to stand up when I see intolerance and disrespect for others and not run away from it. And I would recommend against using that argument about the abusive partner. The only person at fault in an abusive relationship is the abuser. FULL STOP.
    Last edited by Stencils; 08-23-2018 at 09:45 PM.

  21. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stencils View Post
    Where's the problem? It comes down to you as a person in that situation as much as it comes down to a group in the larger debate about flags. If there's someone behind me asking me to sit down so they can see (something that hasn't happened to me in the south end since once in year one) then I would do what I can to accommodate them. The fact that everyone around them is standing should be a help when trying to explain politely about the standing allowed policy in the south, but let's assume they have some kind of mobility issue. What does it cost me to try and shift over a little so they can see between me and the next guy - or if there's no one in front me that day to offer to trade spots. Very little cost in that.

    And to the idea that me saying 'I can stand here, it's allowed' is the same as 'I can wave my flags all game, it's allowed'. Standing during the run of play is permitted, but read the official code of conduct for the supporters regarding flags and the run of play. Again, I have no issue with flags - I'd love flags of all sizes all over the stadium! - but not only is it an issue of respect, in many cases in 114 it was an issue of disregarding the supporters section own code of conduct and the FO not enforcing it. So with that said, why should I have to give up my tickets (that's life and all that)? Yes, I'm an adult - which is precisely why I am ready and willing to stand up when I see intolerance and disrespect for others and not run away from it. And I would recommend against using that argument about the abusive partner. The only person at fault in an abusive relationship is the abuser. FULL STOP.


    Flags smaller than 5’ x 5’ and attached to a pole under 10’ are permitted to be up and/or waving during the run of play. However, the flag must be approved by TFC Front Office beforehand.

    Not sure which code of conduct you've read...Hopefully you have read the warning on supporters tickets stating your view may be obstructed. TM last I used it to purchase additional tickets even had an explicit popup before you purchased warning you that your view may be obstructed. The flag issue is more a matter of taste than somebody doing something that is against the rules. I don't have any sympathy there other than agreeing that whoever handled the inquiry disrespectfully has no place at BMO. We're all peers who underneath our differences want the same thing. No need to be an asshole but also no need to put down the flag. BTW whoever had the argument of being there from day needs to retire that. As someone part of that group I can confidently say it shouldn't entitle me to more than the next paying customer (when you boil it down that's what we all are).

    I think you took the analogy a bit far btw - the gist is you had the power in your own hands to move and alleviate yourself of everything that retracted from your gameday experience and choose not to, albeit for valid reasons I can relate to - not saying I blame you. Just saying it takes away from the validity of your complaints. Have your cake and eat it too kinda deal. You have to think of it objectively, to the other guy/girl why should they have to give up something they are entitled to because it's not to your taste? The south should be shared and I really hope going forward things take a positive turn. There's a mountain sized crater left in southend support with the removal of the Inebriatti. Reading through posts on twitter it's a bit sad to see people call out that without them the same 4 or so songs that are generally recycled around MLS is kinda what remains - it's a bit harsh hearing but if we're being honest I think it's hard to argue. I give them respect for trying to push the bar and introduce new chants as complex as some may have been.

    Lastly - to anyone bashing the Inebriatti I hope you're one of those that gives their full 90 because if you're not at BMO adding to the atmosphere then you're taking away from it. We have some big shoes to fill - talk is very cheap.....and a hell of a lot quieter than giving your all for the Reds

  22. #82
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    Fuck 'em!

    They may be a passionate bunch, but they went out of their way to protect their group's bad eggs, who brought a lot of media attention to their shitty behavior. And that ends up making ALL the TFC supporters groups look bad in the eyes of many. Their actions give fuel to the soccer haters out there (and there are still plenty out there) who still want to cast fans of the sport as unruly hooligans that just want to look for trouble.

    I don't feel sad for their demise, and I don't feel the need to have a Goddamn ounce of shame that I'm glad they're done.

    Fuck 'em!
    TORONTO FC, 2017 MLS CHAMPIONS!!! (Still the greatest in league history!)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Smokecell View Post
    As a complete neutral to all of this I would have to say that I am disappointed with this ruling. My greatest fear re: the atmosphere at BMO is that it one day becomes the ACC. I believe this is a step towards that. Maybe that's just some MLSE PTSD kicking in...

    Given this is a RPB board and there is certain to be varying levels of bias, the bare truth is that the Inebriatti has been the heartbeat of the southend the last few years. I stand in 110 and have loved seeing the "renaissance" of TFC support as the team rebuilt into a contender and onward. There has been a troubling trend of tourists entering 112/113 and drastically retracting from the atmosphere those sections bring. If I'm being honest I don't think I've attended a game this year and seen these sections as lively (or full) as they once were circa TFC birth.

    I don't condone any of the actions from the select few morons who ruined this for the masses however I respect what the Inebriatti brought to the table. This is a huge loss for TFC support as a whole as I see it. I will forever remember the 2017 MLS Cup for obvious reasons but NOTHING has ever and at this rate will ever match the atmosphere and sea of red around the Vasquez goal flares et all. For me that was a thing of beauty and it saddens me that we may never see that degree of support inside the 4 walls of BMO ever again. If the scenes at BMO that night didn't pull at every one of your heart strings then I seriously don't know what would.

    I don't know the politics behind the scenes of why groups have changed/moved over the years and frankly don't care to I just wish this had ended differently. I know there are varied philosophies and styles in the south and certainly not everybody agreed with the style of the Inebriatti, but I can confidently say that I rather someone standing and chanting the full 90+ than sitting and texting, and for that, whether I agree with them or not, I will always respect what they brought and I will gladly end this by thanking any members who may read this for the memories they helped create at BMO the last few years.
    Thank you for putting into words what I was feeling for most of the day. I am not looking to squabble or argue about who is right, wrong or indifferent. At the end of the day the Innebriatti had a presence in the stands the everyone took notice too. It helped build the atmosphere in BMO and now that part of it is gone. I am sure another supporters group will develop and fill the void that this has created. Until then I echo your thoughts. Thank you for the memories.

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    There was TFC support before Inbeebs,and there will be after them. It was just matter of time when they will go overboard and get kicked out,this was the year.This type of stupid has no place in NA.
    Did they elevated atmosphere in the south?fuck ya,however put Kings into 114 and and south will rock again,as much as Inbeebs were loud,position of section 114 played bigger role for atmosphere.
    Great love does not exist without joy and without great suffering ,that's why One club is worth only as much as its fans !

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    My understanding is that supporters and ultras are a different thing.

    Supporters first grew up in England where members of the working class wanted to cheer on their team. Along with football spreading around the world, supporters culture also spread.

    Ultras culture originated in the sharp social, political, regional and ethnic divides in eastern Europe. In the tightly controlled societies, particularly in the communist block countries of the time, football matches were the only times when these loyalties could be openly expressed. So ultras displays weren't about cheering the team to win, that was secondary, they were about tribalism to the particular group.

    So while we don't have those types of repressed societies and the original reason is completely lost, I believe that the Inebriatti were imitating those kinds of groups, and their displays were more about group notoriety than about supporting the team, just like with real Ultras.

    No where was this more evident than when after a decade I finally got my wife to go to a game with me. I thought she would enjoy the excitement of the game (against Montreal no less) and the vibe of the support. Instead, all she remembers is the obscene banner that the Inebriatti put up that game. I was apologizing for weeks afterwards. It's the first thing she mentioned to me when I told her yesterday they got banned.

    No one can tell me that banner encouraged our team to win. It was all about notoriety. Same thing with the fire in Ottawa, or any other such things that they did.
    Last edited by Oldtimer; 08-24-2018 at 07:51 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Oldtimer View Post
    As far as atmosphere, I've noticed that U-Sector has come alive again now that they aren't intimidated by the blackshirt hooligans.

    114 can easily be filled with RPB and U-Sector members. We don't need the Inebriatti.

    As someone who has seats in 114, I can tell you that the SSH around me is glad that the Inebriatti are gone. Their constant blocking views of crucial plays by their flags and their "FU" attitude was beyond annoying.
    Just a quick question if you don't mind? How exactly is the front office handling the removal of seats? You're certainly not part of the Inbeebs, but have seats in 114.
    Do they have a membership list?

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    I like how the neutral position is "if you don't like the people in front of you obstructing your view, you should leave" to a long time SSH.

    MLSE made a calculation as to what support was more valuable to them. Whether you like it or not, the decision is the opposite of the above.

    It's big boy pants time.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Smokecell View Post
    As a complete neutral to all of this I would have to say that I am disappointed with this ruling. My greatest fear re: the atmosphere at BMO is that it one day becomes the ACC. I believe this is a step towards that. Maybe that's just some MLSE PTSD kicking in...

    Given this is a RPB board and there is certain to be varying levels of bias, the bare truth is that the Inebriatti has been the heartbeat of the southend the last few years. I stand in 110 and have loved seeing the "renaissance" of TFC support as the team rebuilt into a contender and onward. There has been a troubling trend of tourists entering 112/113 and drastically retracting from the atmosphere those sections bring. If I'm being honest I don't think I've attended a game this year and seen these sections as lively (or full) as they once were circa TFC birth.

    I don't condone any of the actions from the select few morons who ruined this for the masses however I respect what the Inebriatti brought to the table. This is a huge loss for TFC support as a whole as I see it. I will forever remember the 2017 MLS Cup for obvious reasons but NOTHING has ever and at this rate will ever match the atmosphere and sea of red around the Vasquez goal flares et all. For me that was a thing of beauty and it saddens me that we may never see that degree of support inside the 4 walls of BMO ever again. If the scenes at BMO that night didn't pull at every one of your heart strings then I seriously don't know what would.

    I don't know the politics behind the scenes of why groups have changed/moved over the years and frankly don't care to I just wish this had ended differently. I know there are varied philosophies and styles in the south and certainly not everybody agreed with the style of the Inebriatti, but I can confidently say that I rather someone standing and chanting the full 90+ than sitting and texting, and for that, whether I agree with them or not, I will always respect what they brought and I will gladly end this by thanking any members who may read this for the memories they helped create at BMO the last few years.
    This is a magnificent post.
    I think we can wait to see how the front office handles the recently confiscated tickets before we worry about ACC standards. They've got 3 options.
    1) distribute through a/the supporter groups
    2) move another supporter group into that spot (King's?)
    3) sell those tickets for jacked up "FEEL THE EXPERIENCE" prices

    Hopefully the empty seats witnessed as this season has moved forward will remove any thoughts of #3.

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    Quote Originally Posted by cmonyoureds View Post
    Just a quick question if you don't mind? How exactly is the front office handling the removal of seats? You're certainly not part of the Inbeebs, but have seats in 114.
    Do they have a membership list?
    No final word yet. Right now they are selling them on a match by match basis to tourists, I expect that for the rest of the season.

    If they give it to a group, the group will have to tie it to group membership lists. Non members won't be able to buy them.

    One of the problems with the Inebriatti is that they denied a trouble maker was part of their group whenever they were caught. That's why TFC took such care to be certain of culpability. They will not allow that to happen again.
    Last edited by Oldtimer; 08-24-2018 at 08:00 AM.

  30. #90
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    I liked what Ineebs brought to the atmosphere for the most part. But the lack of respect for others around them really started to get bad. Columbus last year in the playoffs was a prime example. They came and told everyone down the bottom of the away section to move as that is “their place”. They then proceed to wave their flags constantly as soon as the game starts. You have to think there are a lot of families and non SG affiliated fans there too. When we asked them to put the flags down so we could watch the game we got told “you’re not here to watch the game”. Yup, I paid to fly to Columbus, accommodation, and a match ticket just to see the back of flags. If they wanted to wave flags all game, take the back of the section where you’re not impeding anyone’s view.

    Respect for others. Plain and simple. They lost it.
    Last edited by Tunnelred; 08-24-2018 at 08:22 AM. Reason: spelling
    Away trips: 2014 - Seattle. 2015 - Montreal. 2016 - Montreal x2. Playoffs - NYCFC, Montreal. 2017 - Salt Lake, Philly, Ottawa, Montreal, Chicago, LA, Atlanta. ​Playoffs - NYRB, Columbus. 2018 ​- Monterrey, MX (Tigres) CCL, Montreal, Ottawa, Montreal. 2019 - ​Philly, Montreal, Seattle (MLS Cup final)



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