Quote Originally Posted by PizzaEatingYeti View Post
What the hell is this?
This is shamefully horrible quality football from TFC!
The whole world is watching, I'm in Europe, and the match is on Eurosports 1.

TFC is playing like a fucking underdog, who was very lucky to nick a win in New Jersey and now they are clinging with their like to a 0-0, or hoping to nick a single goal on a luck counter.
This was Vanney's game plan?
Should have been like this just in the first 10 minutes, then TFC play it's own style!

We are playing not like champs, but like some fucking chump team, shitting their pants from the Red Bulls.
Maybe I have not seen very clear the complete picture, because 75% of the 1st half I was very angry, but.....
Vanney is playing not to concede 2, rather than prioritizing scoring 1. I agree it was not good, Giovinco barely got the ball, Red Bulls looked capable of scoring 2 vs this Vanney game plan but we will see how they react.