No Toronto fan would be here after ten years if they didn't understand humility, and I want to congratulate the Sounders and their fans on their MLS cup win, in front of us horrified TFC fans in our own stadium.

No other team in this league but Seattle deserved this cup as much as we did, the Sounders story has been a great one and their season ending like this for them must be truly epic.

They came from the bottom, changed coach, fought their way to the playoffs to face Toronto FC at BMO field in freezing cold temperatures, defended against relentless pressure for 120 minutes and won the MLS cup in sudden death penalties. That's a historic story for any club and you can't take that away from them.

8 years ago they proved that that TFC fans werent an anomaly and soccer and MLS could grow much bigger and fill larger stadiums, they proved that expansion teams could make the playoffs and that 5 year plans were redundant, this year they proved that dumping a coach mid season doesnt mean the new coach cant succeed. Nice one.

No other team's fans have been as loud in our stadium, you have no idea how much it hurt to see and hear you all celebrating post game as we left.

I dont think you were the better team, but we couldn't have lost to a better team this season.

Enjoy your win, and covering that cup with puke green ribbons and shit, you kind of deserve it.

See you next season, snotrags. We'll be back.