This is a toast to a small group of long timers. If this description fits, here's to you.

Here's to you if you read the Esky's World blog, if you remember Ricky Titus, and John Carver's reaction to him, and John Carver's reaction to Jeff Cunningham missing against Montreal from six inches out (paid back now in spades, baby!)

Here's to you if remember Dero to Celtic, the Fuad rating system, Fake Tom (OK that's a bit self-important, but it's that kind of night!), the rollerblader, and if the names Joao Pinto and Paul Dickov make you laugh.

Here's to you if you can close your eyes and see Amado Guevara curling a free kick onto the top corner, or Javier Martina taking a long kick from Frei on a frigid day and burying it. Same if you can see Torsten Frings lofting a beautiful ball 50 yards right on the button to Luis Silva at Skydome.

Here's to you if you have a soft spot for Mo Edu, Marvell Wynne, Sam Cronin. Danny Koevermans.

Does it give you a chuckle to think about Adam Braz hitting the Cinesphere with his free kicks, and Andy Welsh scoring in the rain, and Andy Iro getting beaten like a rented mule, or Nick Labrocca scoring on a 40 yard free kick, that was pushed by a 40 mile an hour wind?

If yes, here's to you, and thank you.

Thanks for sharing the ride, and making it great.