Quote Originally Posted by tfcfans View Post
^^^^ it's easy to explain - the lower bowl seats are mostly owned by corporations who use them to entertain clients who still get impressed by having sushi at a Leafs game - they are used as a tax deductible business expense. The season seats owned by individuals in the upper bowl sell for $45-$50 per ticket for purples and less than double that for Greens --- they sell off 30+ games to "scalpers/friends" at "face value" which is usually close to 2X what they actually paid and they go to ten games for little money or free. Everyone I know with Leafs seasons seats that are "regular" families does this (they don't go to 40 games a year!) --- they arent out any real money so they keep them and hope for one magical Stanley Cup run to make it all worthwhile....crazy as that notion is.....it's like having $10 TFC tickets, you can always get your money back or make a bit of profit to pay for the games you go to....the ROI is still high as people who go to one Leafs game a year as a "special treat" will still spend $100-$150 a seat - the STH pay much less than that in the upper bowl so their investment is protected. It's the individual game purchaser that really pays through the nose --- there's a reason Yellow and Light Greys are in demand (like Purples and Greens are at the ACC), you can get your money back on the low end seats....although raising Light Greys a few more times like this year might eliminate that soon too!!
What on earth is a post like this this doing on a TFC forum ???????