Quote Originally Posted by Roogsy View Post
Interesting. Rollins tweeted an hour ago that TFC says paperwork is not done.

But John Molinaro tweeted TWO hours ago that Celtic says everything is fine.

If this doesn't tell you that each side is playing PR games, I dunno what would. And if the "delay" doesn't tell you how much TFC is also playing games themselves, I don't know what would. You'd think 2 days later the "routine" paperwork would be done.
That is one interpretation. but not necessarily the correct one Roogsy.

I come back to motive. You claim that TFC is lying about all of this. And you might be correct. I don't know and until "sources" are willing to come forward neither, with all due respect, do you or for that matter Duane Rollins or anyone else for that matter.

Yet with every "lie" you claim they make they look stupider and stupider. You know the first rule when you are stuck at the bottom of a deep hole is to stop digging.

TFC has stated what it claims is going on. Celtic is saying something, to a degree, but not completely inconsistent with TFC's position.

The missing piece here is your boy DeRo. He needs to get his face in front of a fucking camera and explain himself and his version of events to the fans of Toronto FC. He is our Captain for chrissakes and to carry on in such a manner is a disgrace. He has the time to go on Twitter and post links to his favourite songs and to wish everyone happy new year today and sit in a luxury box with Freddy to watch a Celtic game, yet he can't take a minute to clarify for the fans, who he claims to love, what he thinks is going on.

With every second that passes where Team DeRo stays silent the more they are more in my mind primarily to blame for this entire mess.