Quote Originally Posted by KShep121 View Post
Roogsy should avoid this thread like a plague for the remainder of its lifespan for the BS he was spewing yesterday.

Chevy astutely called him out on his "sources" and it turns out there was absolutley no truth to anything that his "sources" were claiming. Here are the facts:

1. There was no agreement in place for Dero to trial with Celtic
2. Dero did not receive permission from Toronto FC or MLS to trial with Celtic
3. Nobody from MLS or TFC spoke to anyone from Celtic until after the training session yesterday
4. Dero/management made the decision to trial without consent and tried to spin it as "informal training" once the backlash started and it became clear that he was in the wrong

"Source" this, "unconfirmed report" that, give me a break.
I cant speak to the Roogsy stuff...BUT I am expecting breaking news from Derosario DJ services shortly (Dero's other brother) and maybe a special offer for TFC fans only...