The president of Life, Karla Dip, confirmed Thursday that midfielder Arnold Peralta, who is used by the national coach Luis Fernando Suarez, at right, was hired by Toronto in MLS.

The Reds' boss said that while negotiating with several clubs coming Americans, but it was Toronto who made ​​the best offer.

However, Dip, acknowledged that there is still signing the contract, but an agreement was reached with the Canadian club, where he played at the time Amado Guevara.

Peralta was one of the great figures of the U-23 in the CONCACAF Olympic Qualifying and then confirmed its capacity in the London 2012 Olympic Games, where he had to play as a right winger.

At his young age he became the captain of Life, also earned a spot in the senior team which has established itself as right defender, a position he played as a starter in the last three games of World Cup qualifying for Brazil 2014.